Early in his career Dr. Devlin was honored with a National Health Service Corps Scholarship and subsequently served under the Department of Health and Human Services providing primary care to underserved areas of Nevada and Idaho. During that period of time he worked with a variety of non-profit organizations, including clinics and hospitals providing critical access to healthcare in rural Nevada. He is the currently the medical director and overseeing physician for a local integrative medical center.
Dr. Devlin also lectures and provides business consulting nationally to clinicians who are transitioning their medical practices to concierge and integrative medical models in an effort to provide more comprehensive and detail oriented healthcare, nutritional counseling and lifestyle.
Dr. Devlin is a board-certified Family Physician and board eligible in Emergency Medicine. He also is board certified and fellowship trained in Anti-Aging and Regenerative medicine and fellowship trained in Integrative Cancer Therapeutics. Dr. Devlin holds a Masters degree in Biochemistry and has pursued doctoral studies in Pharmacology with an emphasis on the evaluation of novel antineoplastic agents. During his tenure as a PhD student he uncovered a variety of novel research on the endocannabinoid system and its relationship with the parasympathetic nervous system. After reviewing the literature to date he was invited to lecture to the Department of Pharmacology at the University of Tennessee to report his findings. Dr. Devlin has spent the past 20 years exploring the clinical implications of his findings that suggested marijuana held significant medical benefits for a wide variety of clinical conditions. Over the past decade Dr. Devlin has compassionately and actively recommended Medicinal Cannabis and has educated his patients on its safe and appropriate use.
Dr. Devlin also practices Integrative Oncology and is one the founders of the International Organization of Integrative Cancer Physicians (IOICP) which is a non-profit cancer research and educational foundation, he currently sits on IOICP advisory board. Dr. Devlin has been honored to lecture nationally and internationally on a variety of medical topics and is regularly sought to provide his expertise through direct consultation and lectures from a variety of medical organizations.
Dr. Devlin has traveled extensively, working with cancer physicians and researchers nationally and internationally in an effort to better understand cancer and its treatment. Dr. Devlin currently teaches for and works with the AAAAM Integrative Cancer Therapeutics fellowship and Masters degree program through the University of South Florida.
Dr. Devlin has been fellowship trained in neuromuscular medicine and has spent many years working with patients suffering from chronic pain conditions. He has focused on rehabilitating patients and getting patients transitioned off of narcotics and other controlled substances using a variety of integrated techniques. Dr. Devlin has been utilizing medicinal Cannabis for nearly a decade and has seen over 10,000 patients while working in Colorado, Nevada, Washington and California providing his medical expertise in marijuana’s compassionate medicinal applications. He has provided medical and scientific evidence involving the use of cannabis as a medicine as an expert witness in court and has lectured nationally and internationally on the topic of Medical Marijuana. He is published in the Townsend Letter, an integrative medical journal, as the lead article in the August/September 2014 issue, titled “Medical Use of Cannabinoids, Going Beyond THC.” He also published an article on the “Six Pillars of Integrative Oncology” in the Townsend Letter August/September 2016.
Using his broad medical experience and vast knowledge of cannabis as a medicine Dr. Devlin has been working on developing a state of the art Integrative and Functional Medicine practice utilizing the information generated by current research in the field of cannabinoid medicine. Dr. Devlin and his team of cannabis experts are working to build a foundational education program in which the general public will have access to all the latest research and tools necessary to make marijuana utilization appropriate and beneficial. Dr. Devlin has a firm belief that cannabis is a medicine and it should be respected as one, just as it offers many solutions to a variety of maladies it can also have harmful side effects, which patients need to be made aware of.