Cellulite Massage Therapy

Now exclusively offered at Highland Springs Wellness Center
Cellulite Massage Therapy

For a Happier, healthier, more beautiful you!

See results with the 1st treatment-
ac Prettier legs, arms, tummy, buns
ac Lose inches and change dress size
ac Improved self esteem and self confidence
ac Reduction of cellular toxins
ac Easier body movements
Feel better, look great

What patients are saying about Pamala Lane:
NOT your everyday massage therapy

“Pamala Lane’s therapeutic massage has transformed my life.

These sessions improve my overall health, mental acuity and

I am seeing weight reduction.”
“I can’t even believe that in a short hour of massage

with Pamala Lane, my whole week is improved.”

Pamala Lane,ND, CMT, LCT does so much more than traditional
massage. She uses her specially formulated Lane Oil, special sound
and multiple types of training to make time spent with her really an
essential part of an overall wellness program.

Call Highland Springs Wellness today to schedule an appointment 530-274-2274



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